[정보] Google Calendar Sync to iPod touch

2010.02.12 03:10

Taedong Yun 조회 수:88813


Google Sync: Setting Up Your iPhone or iPod Touch

1. Open the Settings application on your device's home screen.
2. Open Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
3. Tap Add Account....
4. Select Microsoft Exchange.


Enter Account Info

5. In the Email field, enter your full Google Account email address. If you use an @googlemail.com address, you may see an "Unable to verify certificate" warning when you proceed to the next step.
6. Leave the Domain field blank.
7. Enter your full Google Account email address as the Username.
8. Enter your Google Account password as the Password.
9. Tap Next at the top of your screen.
9a. Choose Accept if the Unable to Verify Certificate dialog appears.
10. When the new Server field appears, enter m.google.com.
11. Press Next at the top of your screen again.


12. Select the Google services you want to sync.

13. Unless you want to delete all the existing Contacts and Calendars on your phone, select the Keep on my iPhone option when prompted. This will also allow you to keep syncing with your computer via iTunes.

If you want to sync only the My Contacts group, you must choose to Delete Existing Contacts during the Google Sync install when prompted. If you choose to keep existing contacts, it will sync the contents of the "All Contacts" group instead.


You've set up Google Sync for your iPhone. Synchronization will begin automatically if you have Push enabled on your phone. You can also open the Mail, Calendar or Contacts app and wait a few seconds to start a sync.

Next choose which calendars to sync, if you'd like to enable multiple calendars.

Mail, Calendar, & Contacts Setup: Choosing Which Calendars to Sync

Google Sync allows you to choose up to 25 Calendars with the Calendar app on your iPhone (on iPhone OS 3.0).

To select which calendars to sync to your iPhone, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Safari browser on your phone and go to http://m.google.com/sync.
  2. Sign in with your account and select your phone from the list of devices you've set up for Google Sync.
  3. Bookmark this page so you can return to it easily.

If you use Google Apps, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Safari browser on your phone and go to http://m.google.com
  2. Click on Google Apps user? at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Enter your domain name (e.g., YourDomain.com).
  4. Click the Sync icon in your domain area (this section has a green background).
  5. Sign in if required.
  6. Select your device to configure Calendars.

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